Jaco Booyens
Jaco Booyens is a native of South Africa and an American citizen. After witnessing the horrors of trafficking through his younger sister, who is now a survivor, Jaco woke up to the reality of human trafficking and became an abolitionist in 2001. He is a well-recognized speaker on human trafficking, Christian faith, and motivation.
Jaco has 20 years of experience in bringing awareness, influencing policy, and fighting this crime. He is actively involved in legislation reform, frequently supporting and consulting the Senate and Congress with solutions relating to sex trafficking and the education of children. Jaco also serves on the non-profit boards of Jaco Booyens Ministries, Traffick911, SHAREtogether, Face Forward, and Life without Limbs, and has appeared on TEDX, Life Liberty & Levin, Fox Business Lou Dobbs, CNN, MSNBC, OAN, CBS, The “Steve Harvey” Show, NEWSMAX, and many more.
Jaco has an educational background in Sports Medicine and had a professional sports career in both South African Rugby and Canadian and American football. Jaco’s mission is to stand for faith, family, and freedom, promoting life by transforming culture through uplifting entertainment, believing many of society’s problems disappear when a moral culture is restored, women are liberated, and the image of strong engaged fathers and men are restored.